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Top Bitcoin Influencers On Instagram

Cryptocurrency is the digital currency of the new digital market. People who do investments and transactions on the crypto market use these cryptocurrencies for safe and secure transactions. These currencies are not connected with the government in any way; this means they are decentralized. You can also use them to purchase goods and services. We have mentioned a few top bitcoin influencers on instagram for you that would help you to grow.

Bitcoin is the most famous among thousands of cryptocurrencies available in the market. It was created in the year 2009. Furthermore, BitCoin’s growing popularity and value around the world are influencing people to move towards it and invest in it. We are now discussing the best bitcoin influencers on instagram. To help newcomers to know more about the crypto world, there are a lot many influencers present on the internet. 

List Of 10 Best Bitcoin Influencers On Instagram

NameFollowersAboutStarting Year
Girl Gone Crypto28.3kGirl Gone Crypto is steadily rising up the ranks as a crypto influencer with her comedic take on financial advice.2016
JRNY Crypto26.7kHis enthusiasm for the potential of NFTs past art collectibles is infectious while scrolling down his feed.2012
CryptoWhale26kMr. Whale expounds more on their market predictions and opinions on the ever-changing landscape2017
Freddie Finance25.1kHe is also an avid supporter of NFTs, sharing his collection on his Instagram Highlights.2019
Crypto Jebb17.8ka course dedicated to building your confidence in analyzing trends and smart investing2013
Brekkie Von Bitcoin17ka crypto trading platform for automated Bitcoin purchases and savings management.2015
Lucas Dimos14kDimos, or more popularly known as theblockchainboy, spends his time online sharing industry2018
Lil bubble12.5kLil Bubble also shares their enthusiasm for the metaverse and various NFT collectibles on Instagram.2014
Crypto Finally11.8kCrypto in media, the Bitcoin market, NFT gaming, and investment portfolios are some of the topics she discusses in-depth.2016
Saifedean Ammous10kAmmous also hosts ‘The Bitcoin Standard’, a podcast show where he sits down and discusses the latest innovations2012