Flight Dove Finance breaks through as a crypto community with the fair launch and DeFi projects on BSC Ecosystem. It offers $BNB and $FDOVE which can be earned just by holding them! BNB tokens can be used to exchange cryptocurrencies and fee on an exchange platform. Flight dove is made on BEP20 token letting users grasp quickly and securely on BSC blockchain.
Flight Dove offers no private pre-allocation of tokens and is fair and open for everyone in the community to participate equally. Their $FDOVE token can be held to make BNB reward.
The automated Android & Windows App Trading Tools of Flight Dove provide opportunities to trade and earn money.
In addition to this, to create a holistic crypto community, Flight Dove will be launched an NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) marketing platform on Q1 2022.
FDOVE has a total supply of 1 quadrillion with 70% Fair Launch, 10% for Developer, 5% for Marketing, 10% for Burn, and 5% for Social. A 15% tax will be imposed on every FDOVE transaction. 2% of this is for an auto burn. 5% of every transaction will be distributed to the token holders.
The BNB Claim System has a minimum withdrawal amount to lessen the transaction fee. If one gets a BNB reward under $1 the rest will be earned until the next BNB reward as the estimation of minimum claim is one dollar.
Loyal holders who do not sell their FDOVE will get more of the token from people who sell it. This is why it is advised not to sell $FDOVE because if done, it will restart from zero balance of the same. There is no transaction fee to claim one’s BNB reward. They only have to pay the minimum transaction fee which is estimated at around $0.1.
Their Autobot Trading App will include Auto Trading Feature, Auto Withdraw System, and Auto Stop Profit/Loss which can be traded by individuals without needing to share profits.
Official Website: https://flightdove.finance
Email: support@flightdove.finance
Official Telegram Channel: ct.me/flightdovefinance
Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/flightdove
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/flightdovetoken
Japan Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/flightdovejp
Indonesia Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/flightdoveid