Until recently, the only way to make payments, get loans, or borrow money was through traditional financial institutions like banks. However, with the emergence of blockchain technology, things began to change. As the concept of bitcoin gained traction, the focus shifted to a new set of issues: decentralised finance (DeFi) vs. centralised finance (CeFi).
What is Centralised finance?
Prior to the emergence of DeFi, centralised finance was the industry standard for trading cryptocurrencies. Because of this, it has a tight hold on the bitcoin market. In a centralised financial system, all cryptocurrency trading orders are handled by a single exchange (CeFi). The central exchange is run by a small group of people who have complete authority over the money. It’s an indication that you don’t have access to your wallet due to the lack of a private key.
Besides that, the exchange states which currencies are available for trading and how many fees you must pay to trade them.
To sum up the concept of centralised finance, you do not own cryptocurrencies when you purchase or sell them on a centralised exchange. In addition, you’re subject to the rules set by a centralised exchange. A centralised exchange sets rules for everyone, including you.
What is Decentralised Finance?
There is no exchange in the decentralised exchange. Automated programmes developed on blockchain platforms manage the whole process. In addition, a decentralised financial system allows for a more transparent and equal distribution of wealth. Unbanked people may now obtain banking services via the use of blockchain technology.
DeFi’s purpose is to establish a financial services ecosystem that is open source, permissionless, and transparent. Services like asset storage and borrowing are offered through the decentralised financial system.
In contrast to CeFi, you retain full ownership of your assets with DeFi thanks to the key pair that accompanies your wallet. To participate in DeFi, users must utilise decentralised applications (dApps) built on blockchain platforms.
What makes DeFi unique in comparison to CeFI?
Regardless of the considerable differences between DeFi and CeFi, the question is whether or not customers should put their faith in technology.
Users of DeFi are confident in the technology’s ability to provide the services they’ve requested. Instead, customers who use CeFi put their faith in the personnel of a business to manage money and offer services.
Both DeFi and CeFi provide a wide range of financial services relating to cryptocurrencies. In this section, we’ll go over a few features and functions that separate the two ecosystems.
Features of CEFI
Centralised Exchange
An exchange like Binance, Kraken, or Coinbase is used to store and manage the user’s cryptocurrency funds. Even if the money is stored on the exchange, it is not in the authority of the users and is vulnerable to threats if the exchange’s security protocols fail.
As a consequence, several security attacks have been launched against central exchanges. For this reason, customers on the central exchange have no problem revealing personal information or committing their cash to these organisations.
Furthermore, major exchanges have whole departments with customer support staff available to help consumers. Consumers are comforted by the excellent level of customer care, which gives them confidence that their money is safe.
Conversion of Fiat to Adaptability
It is more convenient to use centralised services to convert cash to bitcoin and vice versa than decentralised services, which are less flexible. When converting bitcoin to cash, the use of a central institution is usually required. However, DeFi services do not. CeFi makes it easy for customers to join the ecosystem and may enhance the overall customer experience.
Provider-to-provider service
CeFi’s services enable you to trade LTC, XRP, BTC, and other currencies developed by separate blockchain systems, such as the Bitcoin network. Due to the delay and complexity of executing cross-chain trades, DeFi services do not support these currencies. CeFi may be able to sidestep this issue by acquiring funds from many outlets. With so many popular cryptocurrencies using their own blockchains and not adhering to interoperability standards, CeFi has a tremendous edge over the competition.
Features of DeFi
For DeFi, no permission from the user is required. Clients of CeFi are required to go through a KYC process before they can use any of the services, which includes providing personal information and making a deposit.
To utilise the services, you don’t need to provide any personal information or put any money into DeFi’s account. It’s because DeFi is accessible to everyone, regardless of background or affiliation.
There are no restrictions on those who want to build on top of a decentralised platform. As a result of its ease of use and emphasis on community involvement, it is a popular choice. The DeFi ecosystem’s products are designed to work in harmony with one another. Consequently, DeFi devices are sometimes referred to as “money legos.”
When you use DeFi services, you don’t have to trust that the service will perform as promised. The auditing of their code and the use of third-party technologies like Etherscan may help users verify that DeFi services perform as planned.
Innovation in a Flash
Another significant feature of DeFi is the company’s lightning-fast rate of innovation. New features and improvements are being tested and implemented all the time in the Decentralized Finance Ecosystem. An ecosystem of groundbreaking financial services has emerged from the DeFi space’s build-centric nature.
In regions where centralised financial services have emerged, the DeFi space has been working to provide alternative means to deal with the issue. Solutions compatible with decentralised protocols such as tBT and WBT fill the gap left by DeFi’s lack of support for transfers of incompatible cryptocurrencies such as BTC. Without needing to utilise the token directly, DeFi customers may now access Bitcoin.
Both decentralised and centralised financial systems serve the same function. This group’s goal is to make bitcoin trading more accessible to a broader audience and to boost overall trading volume. On the other hand, these two ecosystems’ ways of achieving their objectives are quite different.
CeFi ensures the safety of funds and the fairness of trading in these funds. It’s possible for traditional currency investors to become involved in cryptocurrency trading. In addition, CeFi exchanges provide customer support that is absent from DeFi solutions. DeFi, on the other hand, is concerned about others encroaching on their territory. It eliminates the need for investors to engage with a middleman in order to carry out their plan.
The pros and cons of each of these models are clear. It all depends on what the investor wants. Openness and privacy go hand in hand under the DeFi paradigm. You should go with CeFi if you are looking for additional investment options, a sense of trust and risk sharing, and a wider range of investing options.